Поезда метрополитена в депо
Dniprovsky metro electric depot

Electric depot of Dniprovsky metro - PM-1 «Diyivske»

Earlier I wrote about the excursion to the Engineering and Laboratory Building of Dnipro Metro – let me remind you that it was an «open day» organized by representatives of the Department of Transport and Transport Infrastructure of Dnipro City Council for the media and all comers.

Each subway railroad is a complex engineering facility, which consists of a number of special infrastructure objects, and each of these objects performs its own important function, and all of them together are necessary for the smooth functioning of the underground railroad. One of the most important elements is the depot, the visit to which was the final part of our big excursion that day (January 25, 2020).

Having descended to the platform of station “Vokzalna”, we were followed by a special train consisting of 3 cars, which without stopping, went straight to the depot of Dneprovsky metro of the Central-Zavodskaya line.

It is worth noting that one of the cars was a museum car, inside which many photos were placed, with a detailed history of the construction of the subway.

Arrival at the electric depot of PM-1 «Diyovskoye»

Между поездами метро
Кабина машиниста
Поворотный круг для поездов
Светофор на территории депо

Our «excursion» train arrived at the main building of the rolling stock electric depot, where the «Rolling Stock and Wagon Overhaul Service» is partially located. The building consists of 3 sections with 14 gates (places for accommodation of rolling stock), where trains are not only «overnight» but also serviced.

According to the regulations, the rolling stock current maintenance is performed here, starting with maintenance of «First volume», «Second volume», «Third volume», but also such as TR-1 and TR-2, easily understood by metro employees. All works are documented, checked and inspected several times.

На территории депо
Боксы для подвижных составов метрополитена

Train traffic is regulated by the same semaphores and traffic lights, signs and rules as on a regular railroad, because after the trains enter the depot territory, the trains are distributed by track development to 14 depot gates. In the center of the depot there is a turntable, which can be easily moved, thus changing the direction of the subway car placed on it.

Repair depot TR-3

Ремонт вагона метро
Запчасти для поездов метрополитена
Ремонтное депо Днепровского метрополитена
Вагоны метро во время ремонта
Машина постоянного тока ГОСТ2582-81
Колесный пары

Usually, the repair of rolling stock consists of 2 parts, the first part – «maintenance and minor repairs» (TR-1, TR-2) and «major» (TR-3).

What is TR-3? This is the so-called «current repair 3», and a separate hangar is provided in the metro depot just for this purpose. Here rolling stock cars are completely disassembled – body, electrics, wheelsets, traction bogies, etc. In general, everything that is in the car is repaired, and after repair everything is tested and inspected. Of course, we do not forget about comfort – seats, lighting and all interior decoration are renewed.

Ремонт подвижного состава метро
Железнодорожные пути на территории депо
Въезд в тоннели метро

Unfortunately, the excursion was held at a very fast pace (probably because this is a restricted facility, and a large number of people on the territory could interfere with the correct and timely operation of the depot), so it was not possible to see everything in detail.

I suggest to watch a video report about this excursion from my friend Den Weissman

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