Строительство метро в Днепре
Working area of the trunk

Been «in the shoes» of Artyom Kostyuk 😉

Of course, the title of this blog is a joke, but it is this strange title that reflects the essence of what I want to write about and show you. This is a small blog about the construction of the metro in the city of Dnipro.

I have material for several publications – so there will be a continuation.

Днепровские блогеры Ден Вейсман и Артём Костюк
Dnipro bloggers Den Weissman and Artem Kostyuk
Артём Костюк ведёт блог с участка тоннеля, где выполнено постоянное крепление
1. Artyom Kostyuk blogs from the section of the tunnel where the permanent fastening was made

We went down to shaft 1 at the intersection of D. Yavornitsky Avenue and st. Stolyarov to review the construction of the Teatralnaya station and the process of installing a permanent monolithic reinforced concrete lining (namely, “lining” is the term) in the tunnels at the place where the “old” subway meets new workings (next to Trunk 11). Despite the fact that I happen to regularly visit unique engineering structures (including high-risk facilities), getting here is an incredible feeling and an unforgettable experience.

A nice bonus for me was the opportunity to simultaneously (albeit in a hurry) shoot photos and videos for myself and my subscribers. These are the things I will be sharing in the near future.

This is only the 1st part and I want to start with mobilegraphs.

Старые тюбинги метро. Тоннель в сторону оборотных тупиков и станции «Вокзальная»
2. Old metro tubes. Tunnel towards turnaround dead ends and Vokzalnaya station
Место сбойки старых тоннелей с новыми
3. The place where the old tunnels are connected to the new ones
Тоннель ведущий в сторону станции «Вокзальная»
4. Den Weissman (selfie). Behind me is a tunnel leading towards the station "Vokzalnaya"
5. Den Weissman (asked Artyom to photograph me). The angle is similar to the previous photo.
6. Den Weissman. Behind me is a new tunnel with a permanent monolithic reinforced concrete. mount.
7. Den Weissman and Artyom Kostyuk
Разница старой и новой технологии строительства тоннелей метрополитена
8. The difference between the old and new technology for the construction of subway tunnels.
9. This design is a mobile formwork that equips a permanent reinforced concrete. monolithic fastening of new tunnels.
10. Wheel loader CAT 950L in the tunnel near shaft 1.
Погрузчик CAT 950L, тоннель в направлении строящейся станции "Театральная"
11. Loader CAT 950L, tunnel in the direction of the station under construction "Teatralnaya"
Артём Костюк возле ствола 1. Готовы подниматься, ожидаем спуск клети
12. Artyom Kostyuk near the shaft 1. Ready to climb, waiting for the descent of the cage.
Клеть ещё на поверхности, она придёт по металлоконструкции, которую видно справа
13. The cage is still on the surface, it will come along the metal structure, which can be seen on the right.
Fig. 14. Working area of the shaft 1. The loader with the rock is waiting for the lowering of the cargo pail. On the right is a sump (pit - a sump for ore water), which collects water from the tunnels, from which water is pumped to the surface with powerful pumps.
15. Working area of the shaft 1. To the right is the tunnel in the direction of the Vokzalnaya station. On the left is a sump with a pump.
Работники, обслуживающие бесперебойную работу погружных зумпфовых насосов
16. Workers maintaining the smooth operation of submersible sump pumps. Here, as you can see, there are two pumps.
В рабочую зону ствола 1 пришёл ещё один погрузчик с породой из соседнего тоннеля
17. Another loader with rock from a neighboring tunnel came to the working area of shaft 1. The work is carried out at such a pace that the crane does not have time to lift the rock to the surface.

What I saw at the construction sites of the Dnieper metro impressed me. I would like to note the professionalism of the LIMAK employees! Work is carried out quickly, efficiently and with maximum accuracy. Loader operators are generally aces. Maneuvering huge CAT 950L with loaded buckets in tight tunnels is something!

Special thanks to Artyom. Subway construction is a brave new world for me. I hope my help is still useful!? )))

By the way, here is a short video teaser from there

More on video

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