One of the administrative buildings that we have to inspect


Semi-abandoned MTC (Motor transport company)/Working routine and photo recording

Sometimes everyday work can bring interesting emotions and discoveries. Surveys are the most interesting part of the job. For some reason this object came to mind – perhaps because my previous post was about the «corpse row» in Depot No. 2.

Three years ago, as part of my work, I had the opportunity to visit an old half-abandoned ATP on Truda Ave. in the Dnipro. Well, back then it was half-abandoned – I remember there was security, some boxes were rented out, the area was quiet, weeds grew through the asphalt, and sometimes dogs barked lazily. Once upon a time there was a Scientific and Production Research Company “Naukova”.

Вход в АБК со стороны проспекта Труда
Entrance to the administrative building from Truda Avenue
Мы уже на территории, сейчас пойдём на кровлю смотреть
We are already on the territory, now let's go look at the roof

Our task was to visually examine the condition of the roofs of two old administrative buildings

The 4-story building was newer and it was easier to work with because it had a flat roof—everything could be viewed from the outside. The security guard opened the door for us, bypassing several empty floors we immediately went to the roof. I’ll omit the working moments – such a banal roof, but I took a few photos.

Деревья на крыше - ещё немного и кровля будет "зелёной"
Trees on the roof - a little more and the roof will be green
К сожалению, вид в сторону Тоннельной балки и застройки проспекта Гагарина закрывали кроны двух старых тополей
Unfortunately, the view towards the Tunnel Beam and the development of Gagarin Avenue was obscured by the crowns of two old poplars.
Вид в сторону улицы Космическая
View towards Kosmicheskaya street
Забрался повыше и снял вид в сторону Запорожского шоссе. Видны жилые дома ж.м. Тополь-1
I climbed higher and took a view towards the Zaporozhye highway. Residential buildings are visible. Topol-1

The old administrative building turned out to be much more interesting, the first floor was a canteen, higher up in the rooms there were offices with a lot of things, rotary phones, vintage stationery, old computers, safes and an adding machine of the “Iron Felix” type – everything breathed the USSR.

In one of the rooms there was a driving school – signs, posters, desks.

In one of the rooms there is an archive with project documentation. Unfortunately, it was IMPOSSIBLE to photograph all this – the commandant followed on our heels and reluctantly answered our questions.

Our task is to get into the attic (this building has a pitched and dilapidated roof) – but there are no stairs. There is only a hatch in the ceiling, and the height of the hatch is 4 meters – we had to use engineering thought and build a pyramid from old tables and cabinets. The attic was stormed – the commandant did not want to go in with us. )))

советский арифмометр
One of the artifacts photographed furtively is a Soviet adding machine (a Felix-type mechanical calculator, but a later model - circa 1960s).
Старый АБК - вид со стороны проспекта Труда
Old administrative building - view from Truda Avenue
Старый АБК- вид с территории
Old ABK - view from the territory
Справа возле кучи мусора стоит макет
On the right, near the pile of garbage, there is a model

To me (at that time) this place seemed atmospheric.

Of course, I understand that this is just a banal dusty attic, but when I got there, my boyish curiosity turned on (as if I had never seen attics before) – I took out my mobile phone and shot this short video. By the way, in this video there are some views from the previous roof.

After the attic, the commandant and my colleague hesitated on one of the floors, and I hurried from the stuffy, musty rooms to the street. To the right of the building, almost in a pile of garbage, I noticed something interesting – a model of the building.

Layout of something... ???
Очень сомнительная конфигурация кварталов и улиц - на реальность не похоже
A very dubious configuration of blocks and streets - it doesn’t look like reality.

The layout is interesting, but upon closer examination I realized that it had nothing in common with reality. I think someone was practicing prototyping, or it was one of the civil defense stands on which “situations” were simulated, or, as an option, a manual from a driving school.

При возможности нужно посмотреть поближе
If possible, take a closer look
While still on the roof of the first administrative center, next to “our” objects I noticed an abandoned box and destroyed cars – I decided to look at them before the commandant went outside – minutes were already counting. The box was littered with rubbish – not interesting, but I looked at the cars – there were two 256x.

A regular (tourist) bus by the Hungarian company “Ikarus 256”, which was produced from 1977 to 2002.

The second vehicle is the KrAZ-256B – a Soviet heavy dump truck (this example was already without a platform), produced by the Kremenchug Automobile Plant from 1966 to 1994. The condition of both cars was disgusting. It seemed symbolic to me that two old cars were standing next to each other, like two old men reminiscing about old times.
Легенды автопрома гниют под открытым небом
Legends of the auto industry are rotting in the open air.
"Ikarus 256" слева и КрАЗ-256Б справа
"Ikarus 256" on the left and KrAZ-256B on the right

In just a few minutes I managed to take several photos and shoot a video of Avtozabroshka 256/Legends of the Automotive Industry (at the end of the article).

And as soon as I turned off the recording, I saw a security guard rushing towards me and shouting from afar – “SO WHAT DID YOU FIND SO INTERESTING THERE?” I honestly said that I saw these two old cars and was overcome with nostalgia. From the bewildered face of the ocher, I realized that he did not understand at all what I was talking about now and why I was so interested in auto junk. Some are junk cars, and some are auto industry legends.
Unfortunately, I was not able to see more at this object.

Regarding this facility, three years ago there was talk of revitalizing this territory, but today there is information that a completely new commercial facility will be built there.

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