Старые троллейбусы
Old trolleybuses

Trolleybus depot No. 2 / "Corpse Row" photo report

Many of you know that abandoned objects are the main interest for my blogs, but I am also interested in transportation systems. Today I will combine these two topics in one post. Such a “2-in-1”.

ЗиУ-682Г №2939, списанный в 2017 году
ZiU-682G #2939 decommissioned in 2017
Артём Блощинский снимает панорамное 360-фото в ЗиУ-682Г №2911 (списан в 2017г.)
Artyom Bloshchinsky takes a panoramic 360-photo in ZiU-682G #2911 (decommissioned in 2017)

This autumn, I once again managed to visit the territory of the trolleybus depot No. 2 in the city of Dnipro. I had several friends with me: Artyom Kostyuk, Artyom Bloshchinsky, Denis Shcherbina. Of particular interest to us was the “corpse row” of this depot.
We knew that Denis had recently been an employee of this enterprise, so we asked him to show these rarities.

I understand that the “corpse row” does not sound very favorable, but in fact there is nothing frightening and sinister in this – in fact, this is a platform on which decommissioned cars are stored, waiting for their turn to be scrapped and sometimes acting as donors for old cars that still on the go. This practice exists in almost all transport companies and not only in our city, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Водительское место списанного троллейбуса
Driver's seat of a decommissioned trolleybus
Оказалось, Артём Костюк - знаток и любитель электротранспорта (если кто не знал)
It turned out that Artyom Kostyuk is a connoisseur and lover of electric transport (if anyone did not know)
Артём успевал и фотографировать и рассказывать нам про эти машины
Artyom managed to take pictures and tell us about these cars
Разобранный салон троллейбуса
Disassembled trolleybus interior
Disassembled trolleybus
Заброшенные троллейбусы
Sometimes it seemed to me that these abandoned trolleybuses were just decorations. It is so unusual to see such a state of transport
Кузова троллейбусов
And some trolleybus bodies even "became part of the landscape" (ZiU-682G No. 2925)

The old ZiU-683B (B00) built in 1992 with tail number 2011 looked peppy – probably because it has not yet been written off (* is listed as being exploited). I hope this car just stood in line for repairs and is already serving on the streets of our city at the time of publication.

* In fact, this car has nothing to do with the “corpse row” – it is a linear car, it’s just parked there (according to Denis).

ЗиУ-683Б (Б00) №2011 - в сентябре 2020 года
ZiU-683B (B00) No. 2011 - in September 2020
Троллейбус ЗиУ-683Б
ZiU-683B (B00) No. 2011 - in September 2020
Salon ZiU-683B (B00) No. 2011
Артём Костюк тоже любуется ЗиУ-683Б (Б00) №2011
Artyom Kostyuk also admires the ZiU-683B (B00) No. 2011

Many of these cars are of interest to fans of transport, and some of the copies would like to see in the museum. Alas, we don’t have a transport museum yet, and such “dead rows” at the depot (for people like me) are an “open-air museum” – so we really wanted to get into this part of the depot in order to take a closer look at the old iron workers of our transport infrastructure.

(Then a thought flashed through my head – maybe create a petition to create a transport museum in the city of Dnipro? Write what you think about it – is it really for our city?)

"Трупный ряд" троллейбусного депо №2
"Corpse Row" of trolleybus depot No. 2
"Трупный ряд" троллейбусного депо №2
"Corpse Row" of trolleybus depot No. 2
Заброшенные троллейбусы
Abandoned trolleybuses
ZiU-683V01 No. 2017, managed to become a "donor" for other machines of this depot
ЗиУ-683В01 №2017, списанный в 2017 году
ZiU-683V01 No. 2017, decommissioned in 2017
Салон ЗиУ-683В01 №2017
Salon ZiU-683V01 No. 2017
ЮМЗ Т1Р (Т2П) №2053, списанный в 2018 году
YuMZ T1R (T2P) No. 2053, decommissioned in 2018

The oldest trolleybus in the city of Dnipro looks like this (Artyom Kostyuk – thanks for the tip) – this is the ZiU-685V No. 2985, built in 1978 (it is even older than me) and decommissioned in 2018 (the car has served 40 years).

Until 2003, this car worked as a passenger transport, and after that it was used as a company car.

Logo "ZiU" - once the Uritsky Trolleybus Plant (now "Trolza")
Учебный ЗиУ-685В №2985, списанный в 2018 году
Training ZiU-685V #2985 decommissioned in 2018
Учебный ЗиУ-685В №2985 и парни (справа налево: Артём Блощинский, Артём Костюк, Денис Щербина)
Training ZiU-685V No. 2985 and guys (from right to left: Artyom Bloshchinsky, Artyom Kostyuk, Denis Shcherbina)
Рельсо-шпальная решётка в троллейбусном депо
Rail sleeper grating in a trolleybus depot (?)

I asked Denis why there are “blank” tram tracks on the territory of the trolleybus depot? It turns out (hereinafter a quote from Denis) – “RShR (rail – sleeper lattice) is assembled at the depot. Sleepers and rails are brought separately, they are assembled and transported to the repair site immediately finished RShR.

I think this is a good solution for the prompt replacement of damaged sections of the tramway.

Abandoned objects may cause some regret, but I suggest you look at the following photo (below). On the left is a decommissioned trolleybus awaiting disposal. On the right is a new modern low-floor trolleybus equipped according to the norms of Moscow State Duma and decorated in the brand colors of the city.

Agree – new cars will inevitably force out the old ones, because the townspeople deserve a comfortable transport infrastructure, and repair shops cannot endlessly “reanimate” worn-out units on trolleybuses that have served their purpose for a long time.

Decommissioned (left) and new operated (right) trolleybuses

Here is the photo report I got.

If you don’t have enough photos – here is a link to the video Corpse Row / Trolleybus Depot No. 2 / Dnipro

Who is comfortable with the format of the Telegram channel – here is a link to my channel – here I publish photos and some interesting things – the subject of my channel is “urban research and industrial tourism”.

If you find a mistake (and want to inform me about it) or discuss my publications – this can be done in this chat.

Who wants to know the details on specific instances of urban transport – I advise you to visit the site – transphoto.org

My thanks:
Denis Shcherbina – for showing us rarities.
Artyom Kostyuk – for supporting my content.
Artyom Bloshchinsky – for the company and 360 photos.

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